Tiny Happy Tuesday: 13

It's Tiny Happy Tuesday! Time to acknowledge and appreciate all the little happies piling up to give me my beautiful, chaotic, lovely life. Want to join? You can find more info here.

  • My oldest friend currently lives on the other side of the world but she's in town for a short time. She came to visit us yesterday. It's been almost a year since I saw her last but it was like I saw her a week ago. We chatted. We laughed. We drank gin and ate cheese. It was absolutely perfect. I'm so grateful for her friendship. Grady has called her "Uncle Dree Dree" since he could speak and she truly is family. 
  •  Poppy is enchanted by all animals but she's particularly smitten with dogs. Yesterday I was wearing her in the baby carrier as I flipped through the racks of greeting cards at the grocery store. All of a sudden she started panting like a dog and then giggled like a maniac. There was a rack of giant novelty cards with dogs wearing hats, dogs eating ice cream, etc. It was Poppy's version of heaven. It was a very sad moment when we had to leave. 
  • Local asparagus! I roasted a bunch yesterday and have been eating it non-stop. You guys. So good.  
  • Smitten Kitchen's Rhubarb Snacking Cake. The perfect amount of buttery cake, tart rhubarb, and zingy lemon. If you've got fresh rhubarb, make this cake. It's perfect for breakfast (what? There's fruit in it.).

Want to join me? I'd love for you to grab my graphic and join the Facebook group, and share in the fun (don't forget to use the hashtag: #TinyHappyTuesday so I can follow along!).

Let's find the happy, friends.

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 12

It's Tiny Happy Tuesday! Time to acknowledge and appreciate all the little happies piling up to give me my beautiful, chaotic, lovely life. Want to join? You can find more info here.

  • Collaboration. I've had a lot of opportunities lately to collaborate with creative, intelligent, motivated people and it's fuelling my spirit. I keep hearing "collaboration is the new competition" and it really speaks to me. I keep waiting for people to figure out that I'm not worthy of a spot at their table but until that happens, I'll keep lapping up the inspiration.
  • Connection. I'm so grateful to have people in my life who love my kids. Family members, friends with kids, kid-less friends, my family is surrounded by quality people who appreciate my babies.
  • Ice cream cones on a sunny patio after a long, hot day.
  • Rain. We've had a bit of a hot spell but today the rain came to give us a bit of relief (and give me a bit of a break from watering the garden. Thanks, Mama Nature!).
  • It's local rhubarb season. The best season of the year.

Want to join me? I'd love for you to grab my graphic and join the Facebook group, and share in the fun (don't forget to use the hashtag: #TinyHappyTuesday so I can follow along!).

Let's find the happy, friends.

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 11

Do you want to feel a little happier? Join #TinyHappyTuesday!  The details on how you can get started are here.

  • Shawn's birthday dinner last night went off without a hitch. I grew up in a family that makes a big deal out of birthdays and I love that my kids are going to be able to say the same. Birthdays are my jam. 
  • My brother-in-law has been making some pretty exciting life changes lately (not my story to tell but damn, the guy is mixing things up!) and I love that Grady and Poppy will be able to look to him as a role model when they're facing nerve-wracking-but-exciting opportunities.
  • My Internet village. This Tiny Happy deserves a post of its own but let me just say that my internet village has boosted me up, been a sounding board, given me information and answers, and provided immeasurable support more than ever recently. I'm not sure how I got so lucky to know so many amazing people.
  • My Real Life village. I know a lot of great people. I saw a bunch of them this weekend. I'm an introvert and I need my alone time but it's a pretty great feeling to be surrounded by thoughtful, hilarious, brilliant people too (as long as I get some alone time immediately after).
  • It's the May long weekend (almost)! Every May Shawn goes away on his annual boys' trip and I order a lot of pizza and stay in pyjamas all day and make morning pit stops at the ice cream shop. Solo parenting is a lot of work but it's also a lot of fun once we let go of our routines and expectations (of cleanliness). I'm ready for a weekend of filth and greasy, cheesy goodness.

What's making you happy this week? Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 10

Do you want to feel a little happier? Join #TinyHappyTuesday!  The details on how you can get started are here.

  • Poppy is a verbal baby but she hasn't had any discernible (to people outside her immediate circle) words until this week. Poppy is officially, intentionally, clearly saying "ball" when she sees her ball. It is so cool. 
  • "Wish I Knew You" by The Revivalists. You guys, this song has been on repeat for days. 
  • It's BC Election Day! I didn't manage to vote in the advance polls so I'm heading out today to exercise my right to vote. If you're a BC local, I hope you are too. Not sure who to vote for? This tool can help you decide.
  • The rain has stopped, the sun is shining, and spring is in the air. It's a great day, even if it did start at 5 this morning because Poppy hates sleep.

What's making you happy this week? Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.