Tiny Happy Tuesday: 9

Do you want to feel a little happier? Join #TinyHappyTuesday!  The details on how you can get started are here.

  • Tulips. I love flowers but tulips might be my favourite. They signal the end of the winter and hope for warmth and colour ahead. I'm not a huge bouquet kind of gal but give me a bunch of tulips and I'll swoon.
  • The response to my Ode to George. I've received heartfelt messages of love and support. I've heard from people who know George (how cool is that?). It's sparked something in me, I just need to figure out what that is.
  • I've got some blood work, tests, and followup cancer stuff this month. It's overwhelming and scary and also completely routine. I'm doing my best to focus on the "yay! I live in Canada! This isn't going to bankrupt me!" instead of thinking about test results.
  • Making summer plans. Grady wants to go camping this year but first we need a "camping bag." I thought he meant sleeping bag but no, he was referring to a tent. (Tents are hereby renamed "camping bags" in our house.) 

What's making you happy this week? Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.


Tiny Happy Tuesday: 8

Do you want to feel a little happier? Join #TinyHappyTuesday!  The details on how you can get started are here.

  • I played baseball on the weekend. Three games in two days. I am too sore to move today, and I feel about 90 years old, but I had so much fun. It feels good to run out some of the rust, you know? I played competitive fast-pitch for 15 years growing up, and it was nice to return to the ballpark (even if my abilities are somewhat limited compared to what they used to be).
  • Grady's lost most of his toddler-isms but he still asks me to "hotten up" his muffin instead of "warm up" and no one better correct him.
  • I'm feeling a bit stagnant these days but I'm living vicariously through girlfriends who are seriously killing it in their professional lives, their creative lives, and their family lives. I love seeing my friends excel and I'm lucky enough to have a hive of furiously smart, driven, creative geniuses.

What's making you happy this week? Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 7

Do you want to feel a little happier? Join #TinyHappyTuesday!  The details on how you can get started are here.

  • My kids are so loved by so many people. Grady and Poppy have loving, involved, engaged, enthusiastic grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We - and they - are so lucky to be surrounded by family.
  • The air is mild and there's a whiff of spring about it. We went on a hike on Easter Sunday and it was amazing to spend some time in the trees, furiously huffing fresh air.
  • Poppy is a real music lover. She mostly shows her appreciation by drumming on whatever surface is available when her jam comes on (right now "Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran) (I'm a terrible mother). Recently, though, she's started doing the baby butt wiggle dance and it's amazing. Truly.
  • Last night, Shawn crawled into bed, kissed me goodnight, and told me I'm an amazing mother. Now, I don't need anyone to tell me I'm a good mom. I know I'm a good mom. (I also know I have my flaws. Please see above.) But it was so nice to have my partner in parenting acknowledge that I'm doing a good job. Mothering is hard work. Most days I feel like I'm failing in some part of my life. Shawn's comment gave me the warm and fuzzies and I'm going to try to pass that on. 

What's making you happy this week? Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 6

Do you want to feel a little happier? Join #TinyHappyTuesday!  The details on how you can get started are here.

  • Our kitchen sink has been acting a bit wonky for weeks. Shawn dismantled, removed, cleaned, reassembled, and resealed the whole thing and now it's working perfectly. It's the little things, friends. (Probably he would say it's not such a little thing as this project took literal hours that spanned multiple days to complete.)
  • My cherry blossom tree has blossomed. I haven't written about my cherry blossom tree but it's important to me; part of me was worried it wouldn't survive the particularly harsh winter we just had.
  • My friend gave me a turkey. She was given a turkey and didn't need or want the turkey so she gave it to me. And now we get to enjoy a delicious, random, mid-week turkey dinner. (Hashtag: Thanksgiving feels.) (Hashtag: pumpkin spice for life.)
  • *whispers* My non-sleeping honey badger baby has started sleeping consistently from 9pm-2am. This is big news, people. I may have just jinxed it but I don't care. Let's celebrate.

What's making you happy this week? Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.