
Dear Poppy,

Today you are five years old.

You woke up this morning, declared you felt taller, and asked when you were going to kindergarten. Your enthusiasm and zest for life are exhausting sometimes, especially when I haven’t had my coffee yet, but I love how ready you are to experience new things. Spontaneity is your love language. You dream big and you’ve got adventure in your heart.

This week I’ve been filling out forms and reading emails with subject lines like “getting your child ready for kindergarten” and the thought that keeps rolling around in my head is: how do we get kindergarten ready for you? You are intense sometimes, Pops, and I love that about you. I want to make sure school is a place where your intensity and your power are nurtured and appreciated. We’re not sure if you’re going to lead a company or a revolution in the future but we want to prepare you the best we can either way.

You love babies. You come home from daycare full of stories about what the babies did that day. You would make an amazing big sister and I’m sorry that’s something you won’t get to experience.

You want to be a vet when you grow up but you also want to own an ice cream truck. You’d also like to be a mermaid but I’m not sure that’s a viable career choice.

Your favourite foods are: chicken wings, tomato soup (the way Papa makes it!), and fries with gravy. You detest baked goods and chocolate and it is a good reminder that I don’t have to understand you to love you.

And oh, how I love you. I love how you hug me with your whole body. I love how farts are the most hilarious thing to you. I love how you tell me exactly what you need, directly and confidently. I love how deeply you love your big brother. I love how much joy and exuberance you bring to our family.

Happy fifth birthday, Penelope Bloom. I’m so glad I get to know you.

Love, Mama