Little Lotus

Little Lotus is a revolutionary line of baby products, including a swaddle, sleeping bag, and blanket. Doesn't sound so revolutionary, right? Stick with me. The swaddle is made with a proprietary phase change material (initially designed for NASA space suits) that keeps infants at an optimal temperature, both storing and releasing heat as needed to keep baby safe, cozy, and comfortable. You can wrap your baby in a space swaddle is what I'm saying.


The Little Lotus baby products were inspired by the Embrace Warmer, the low-cost baby warmer responsible for helping 150,000+ vulnerable babies worldwide. 

Little Lotus will operate on a Toms Shoes-inspired model: for every product sold, a baby will be helped by the Embrace warmer in a developing country, so that new parents can keep their babies cozy, and also extend a “warm embrace” to babies all over the world.

The print of the Little Lotus baby products is inspired by the Touch our Future artwork, and features the hand tracings of mothers and babies in developing countries helped by the Embrace infant warmers.  


Little Lotus launched their Kickstarter campaign today. If it's successfully funded, we'll have a sweet little giveaway here on Hillary with two Ls (please) and you'll have the chance to win a Little Lotus product. If you want to follow along with Little Lotus' progress, check them out on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.