Meal Plan 05/15/2017 - 05/19/2017

Tomorrow is Shawn's birthday so our meal plan this week consists of his favourite foods. (Festival of Shawn last all week.) (I'm an unabashed birthday lover. It's part of my charm.).

Monday: Birthday dinner! Barbecued steak served with Shawn's favourite potato salad and creamy cucumber salad. Shawn loves cheesecake but I don't want to make a full-sized cheesecake (and then, you know, eat a full-sized cheesecake all week) so I might try to make a pie-sized cheesecake or pick a different dessert. The man loves chocolate and peanut butter so I've got lots of options. Suggestions are welcome.

Tuesday: Pulled pork lettuce wraps. (I just realized I've never blogged my pulled pork recipe so I'll get on that this week.) We used to eat our pulled pork on soft dinner rolls but we both feel better (read: smug) when we eat lettuce wraps instead of delicious, pillowy baked goods. Served with a simple purple cabbage coleslaw. 

Wednesday: Grady has baseball so I need something quick, easy, and portable. I'm thinking I'll cook up a pot of barley or quinoa, roast some sweet potatoes, and build pulled pork dinner bowls with the leftovers from the night before. 

Thursday: Nachos topped with spicy chicken and served with fresh guacamole and a side of Responsibility Vegetables.

Friday: Shawn's not here for dinner so I'm thinking the kids and I will either have a patio picnic (goldfish crackers with yogurt and fruit) or we'll make homemade pizza.

What's on your menu this week?


Four years ago I had my followup appointment with my surgeon. My appointment was on Friday evening but that morning they called and asked if I could come in the afternoon instead. Shawn had planned to meet me at the surgeon's office after work. I told him not to bother to try to get off work early; I'd go by myself. Fortunately, Shawn and his boss were smarter than I was, and he was there when my surgeon told me the mass they'd removed from my neck was cancerous. 

Poppy is nearing the age Grady was when I started to get sick and it's affecting me in ways I didn't expect. When I was diagnosed, I went into action mode. We made treatment plans and nutrition plans and try-to-enjoy-life-even-though-it's-difficult-right-now plans. There wasn't a lot of time for reflection. Or rather, I didn't let myself delve too deeply into the emotions attached to being diagnosed with cancer while 30 years old with a 1-year-old baby. I distinctly remember telling my family to feel their feelings, just not on, or near, me. 

But now Poppy is a similar age and she's so small. You guys, Grady was so small. It all could have been so much more terrible. It's messing with my head. (I'm also spending today at the cancer centre for my routine tests so my head isn't in the best place to begin with. Scanxiety is a thing and it's a bitch.) 

Today is my fourth cancerversary. I have an excellent support team (both of the family / friend variety and the medical variety). I have a number of promising scans bolstering me as I trudge toward my 5-year mark. I have gratitude for what cancer has given me (an appreciation for what I have, and a severe decrease in my level of give-a-fuck for the minutiae of life) and optimism for what's to come. I still struggle sometimes (like today, when my head is full of angry bees and I feel like I need to itch myself out of my skin) but overall, four years after my life imploded in my surgeon's office, I'm just happy. Happy to be here. Happy my life is so full. Maybe it's boring or silly or weird to mark a cancerversary but to me, it's a celebration. I've come a long way in four years. Here's to many more.

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 10

Do you want to feel a little happier? Join #TinyHappyTuesday!  The details on how you can get started are here.

  • Poppy is a verbal baby but she hasn't had any discernible (to people outside her immediate circle) words until this week. Poppy is officially, intentionally, clearly saying "ball" when she sees her ball. It is so cool. 
  • "Wish I Knew You" by The Revivalists. You guys, this song has been on repeat for days. 
  • It's BC Election Day! I didn't manage to vote in the advance polls so I'm heading out today to exercise my right to vote. If you're a BC local, I hope you are too. Not sure who to vote for? This tool can help you decide.
  • The rain has stopped, the sun is shining, and spring is in the air. It's a great day, even if it did start at 5 this morning because Poppy hates sleep.

What's making you happy this week? Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.

Meal Plan 05/08/2017 - 05/12/2017

It's been a dramatic few days (baby's first ambulance ride!) (she's fine) so I have been inhaling drive-through cheeseburgers and ignoring my kitchen. That changes today, though! I'm not tackling anything too fancy, just focusing on easy-to-make, nutritious food that will fill us up and help us keep up with Ms. Bloom.

Monday: Turkey tacos with a side of roasted broccoli. 

Tuesday: Grilled flank steak on top of spinach salad.

Wednesday: Spinach/feta smokies served with cheddar cheese/potato pierogies and fried onions. Responsibility Salad.

Thursday: Leftovers! Or breakfast for dinner. 

Friday: Takeout. I'm only so strong. 

What are you eating this week?