Song Exploder

I recently discovered the Song Exploder podcast and maybe it’s like Game of Thrones or Hamilton and y’all already know about it but I’m willing to take that risk.  

Song Exploder is amazing and if you listen to podcasts and like music even a tiny bit, you should check it out. 

I love music. I love listening to music, I love reading about music, I love hearing musicians talk about their music. Each Song Exploder episode focuses on one song. Some -or all- of the band members talk about how the song was built and the meaning behind it. When I scrolled through the library of episodes, I was drawn to the episodes featuring Cat Power and The Mountain Goats because both artists remind me so much of one of my sisters. I was thoroughly impressed with both (and, not gonna lie, I love that the episodes are about 20 minutes long, which is apparently how long my attention span is). But I wasn’t prepared for the Mumford and Sons episode. I listened to it on my way to work this morning and I experienced full-body chills complete with goosebumps and a lump in my throat twice. I wasn’t even familiar with the song they were describing. I haven’t followed Mumford and Sons since falling in love with their first album a million years ago. I appreciate them as musicians and I’m aware of them out there in the music world but I had no emotional connection to their most recent work.

Song Exploder is a little piece of fun but it’s got a certain depth to it too. I’m not learning anything particularly important but it feels like a sneaky peek at the creative process that speaks to my soul. I can’t wait to listen to the rest of the episodes.   

Do you listen to podcasts? What’s your favourite?