Make Weekday Meals Convenient and Stress-Free with HelloFresh

I've told you about my overall love for HelloFresh. I've told you how to hack your HelloFresh box to get yummy leftovers. Now let me tell you about how HelloFresh has eliminated mealtime stress during the week (weekday dinners are peak stress times in our house). 

I love to cook. I love exploring new recipes. Food is a passion of mine. But mid-week, rush in the door after work, scramble to put together a nutritious meal before we have to start the bedtime routine cooking? Is the actual worst. I am not at my best when I'm hungry (Shawn nods vehemently). I get snippy snappy and irritated. It's not a good scene.

HelloFresh has transformed our weekday meals. Before HelloFresh, our go-to on busy nights was ordering pizza. Now, there's no shame in the pizza game. Having a hot, delicious pizza delivered to my door is one of life's greatest joys. But it was becoming less of a treat and more of a habit. An expensive - nutritionally void - habit. 

HelloFresh gives you three meals of either two or four portions, and it works out to be cheaper than eating out for three meals. "But I still have to cook the food?" you ask. Yes, you do have to cook the food. But the ingredients come straight to your door, pre-portioned so all you have to do is open the bags and throw them in the pot as the recipe instructs. It's foolproof. You don't need any special tools or skills; if you can read a recipe, you can rock a HelloFresh box. 

One of the perks we've enjoyed is the ability to control the salt. Takeout can often be too salty but HelloFresh puts the seasoning decisions in your hands. You add the amount of spice you want. You salt to your taste. You follow the recipe but make it your own. Faster than if you picked up the phone and ordered takeout. 

Use code HILLARY40 for 40% off your first box. Try it and see how it can transform weekday meals from stressful and annoying to quick and easy. 

Do you use HelloFresh? What do you love or not love about it?

{Disclosure: I received product in exchange for this review; all opinions stated are my own.}