
Yesterday was Grady's kindergarten orientation and it was bizarre. Grady is a little kid. Basically still a toddler. Last week he was an infant. And now he's going to school? I know this freakout is fuelled by pregnancy hormones. I know it's not unique. I'm not the first mom to struggle with her child reaching this milestone. It just feels like such a big one, you know? 

Grady at 4-almost-5 still mispronounces words in the most adorable way ("according to my conculations" instead of "calculations") and mixes up words ("I'll be there in a chippy!" instead of "jiffy.") He needs cuddles and connection and remains one of the most affectionate people I've ever encountered. 

It's not that I think he's not ready for school. He's full of questions and observations and I think kindergarten will be a great place for him. It's that I'm not ready for him to go to school. I'm not ready for him to be so independent when he's still very much my little guy. 

Maybe not so little.  

Maybe not so little.