Tiny Happy Tuesday: 18

What is Tiny Happy Tuesday?

Tiny Happy Tuesday is a prompt to stop, drop, and think of all the good stuff (no matter how minuscule) that adds up to one wonderful life. 

  • Canadian Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. This year's celebration was smaller than usual, and we didn't get a chance to see my side of the family (we'll see them in a few days,) but it was still a wonderful day. Great food and spending quality time with the people I love. There's really nothing better.
  • We've had a nice run of sunny weather but the nights are cool enough to warrant flannel pyjamas and mugs of steaming hot herbal tea. I don't care how basic is makes me: I love autumn.
  • I had the opportunity to take the kids to Science World this weekend. Grady is at the perfect age where every exhibit blew his mind. We spent five hours exploring and he went to bed at 6:30 that evening. The only thing that would have made the day even better would be if we didn't do the "exit through the gift shop, whine for all the toys" song and dance. 

Want to join me? I'd love for you to grab my graphic and join the Facebook group, and share in the fun (don't forget to use the hashtag: #TinyHappyTuesday so I can follow along!).

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 17

What is Tiny Happy Tuesday?

Tiny Happy Tuesday is a prompt to stop, drop, and think of all the good stuff (no matter how minuscule) that adds up to one wonderful life. 


Tuesdays are my busiest days and Tiny Happy Tuesday has suffered. I'm feeling distinctly UN-Tiny Happy Tuesday today so I'm using my coffee drinking time before the kids wake up to practice a little gratitude. Will you join me? 

  • Poppy has recently started saying the word "poop" and it is hilarious. When she speaks, she is loud and sure of herself. She talks (gibberish mostly) all day long. For some reason she says "poop" so delicately and daintily. 
  • Yesterday was picture day at school. Grady wore his dressy jeans. He asked me to iron his shirt. He put gel in his hair. He is such a little grownup sometimes. I'm not sure my heart is ready for it.
  • I have had to cancel numerous hair appointments over the last year because of kid shenanigans. I finally have another appointment booked, at a new salon because my awesome hair stylist found a new career and quit hair (the nerve!) I'm very excited for my new hair (and crossing my fingers that I actually get to keep this appointment).
  • I have food in my belly and a roof over my head, and it's good to acknowledge those things when everything else is grating on me and causing me to want to hit my head against the wall repeatedly.

Want to join me? I'd love for you to grab my graphic and join the Facebook group, and share in the fun (don't forget to use the hashtag: #TinyHappyTuesday so I can follow along!).

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 16

What is Tiny Happy Tuesday?

Tiny Happy Tuesday is a prompt to stop, drop, and think of all the good stuff (no matter how minuscule) that adds up to one wonderful life. 

  • Shawn and I went to a wedding. We dressed up and drank cocktails and talked to adults and didn't worry about kids or babies. We had a ton of fun and Poppy and Grady had a ton of fun hanging out with my parents. It was the longest I've been away from the kids since Poppy was born and it was glorious.
  • Following the trend of amazing grandparents stepping up to look after my babies, last week Shawn's dad watched the kids so I could go see him perform. He started playing with a new band a few months ago and they've gained a bunch of momentum in a brief period of time. It was a lot of fun to go out and watch them play, even if I drove straight to the bar and arrived ten minutes before they hit the stage, and left as soon as their set finished so I could make it home to the tiny, furious humans.
  • Today is my first full day back in the office and Poppy's first full day of daycare. I have some complicated feelings about all this but I'm trying to focus on the good. I genuinely like my job and the people I work with so even though leaving my baby is going to be extremely difficult, I'm not leaving her to go somewhere I hate. Also? Thanks to the land of amazing mat leave, I'm not leaving a tiny baby. I'm leaving a 13-month-old. We can do this. (Deep breaths.)

Join me? I'd love for you to grab my graphic and join the Facebook group, and share in the fun (don't forget to use the hashtag: #TinyHappyTuesday so I can follow along!).

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 15

Tuesday is almost over and I have not yet managed to find any tiny happies. This Tuesday has been tears and frustration and anxiety and overall feeling crappy. 

Which means Tiny Happy Tuesday is probably something I really need right now. Real talk: I would rather just go to bed. 

  • Netflix. I am currently binge watching Quantico season 2. It's the kind of fluff I enjoy. Not super violent. Not too gory (I'm a wimp). Not too thinky.
  • My peace lily bloomed. Shawn's brother gave it to me for my birthday last year and not only did I manage to keep it alive, I kept it healthy enough to bloom again. This feels like a win.
  •  I'm a damn grownup so I can eat ice cream for dinner (when my kids aren't watching).
  • We've got great doctors and extremely good access to healthcare.  

Join me? I'd love for you to grab my graphic and join the Facebook group, and share in the fun (don't forget to use the hashtag: #TinyHappyTuesday so I can follow along!).