Tiny Happy Tuesday: 3

Do you want to feel a little happier? Join #TinyHappyTuesday!  The details on how you can get started are here.

Before I share my tiny happies, I want to say thanks to everyone who's joined me so far. Last Tuesday started off on a good foot and quickly spiraled into WTF?! territory. Following the hashtag and reading about what was making you happy gave me a much needed dose of perspective. I was reminded of how lucky I am all day and I'm truly grateful.

So! Let's get happy. I'm struggling a bit this week (anxiety + no sleep = zombie Hillary) but I'm doing my best to hang onto my happy lifeboat and ride out the storm.

  • Sunshine! Oh my goodness, you guys. We've endured a miserable winter and yesterday, on the first day of spring, we had a bit of sun. It wasn't warm out by any stretch of the imagination, but it was pleasantly mild and dry. We spent the morning at the park and then Grady helped me wash my car in the afternoon. It felt absolutely fantastic to be outside, breathing fresh air that didn't burn the inside of my nose.
  • Spring cleaning. A few weeks ago, Shawn and I watched Minimalism on Netflix. You guys. I was fully prepared to roll my eyes and was shocked to actually feel compelled to purge after watching. I tend to hang onto things (I'm sentimental about objects) so it's always been hard for me to get rid of stuff. I attempted to KonMari my life a few years ago but it stressed me out because I could "find joy" and justify keeping all of my possessions. One line in Minimalism has stuck with me: "Love people, not things." It's been so freeing for me to sort through my belongings and acknowledge that getting rid of stuff doesn't mean I'm getting rid of people or memories. Six giant garbage bags of stuff has either been donated or trashed in the last few weeks and it feels good. My kitchen has never been this clean and I'm motivated to keep going.
  • If you follow my Instagram Stories you may have seen me talking about reading How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. I'm still only about a quarter of the way through (I have found it difficult to stick with books for long in recent years; the lack of sleep has killed my attention span) but I'm finding it really useful. One trick I've implemented that's been bizarrely successful so far (no really, I literally rolled my eyes when I read it) has been getting Grady to write stuff down. For example: I took Grady grocery shopping last week. Since he started kindergarten, I tend to do my grocery shopping while he's at school so I only have Poppy to contend with. Anyway, last week I took both kids. It was poor timing on my part (late morning when we were all hungry and a bit grumpy) and Grady made my pay for it by whining his way through the entire store. We passed a display of Hot Wheels (why you gotta do me like that, grocery store? Why have a Hot Wheels display randomly in the canned goods aisle?) and Grady became transfixed on this orange van. He wanted it. He needed it. Never mind that his Hot Wheels have been sitting in his closet, untouched, for months. Now, I could have given in. It cost $2. I had $2. But that wasn't the point. We were there to pick up groceries. Instead of getting frustrated or trying to use logic on him, I suggested he write it down in his notebook so he doesn't forget about the orange van. I didn't promise he would get the orange van. I didn't suggest he ask for it for his birthday or Christmas. I just told him that if the orange van was that important to him, he should write it down in his notebook. And it worked. We finished grocery shopping. We got home. He made a few scribbles in his notebook. There were no tears. No exasperated whisper yelling in the canned goods aisle. Just an acknowledgement that the orange van sounded pretty important. An explanation that we were there to buy food and not toys. And a suggestion that he write about the van so he doesn't forget about it. It wasn't easy (it took everything in me to not explain to Grady for the hundredth time that we don't always get what we want) but it was effective and I won't hesitate to use it again.

It seems my tiny happies aren't so tiny this week, though maybe that's a good thing as taking the time to write this all out has been soothing. What's making you happy this week? Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 2

What is Tiny Happy Tuesday? Start here.

  • Shawn and I spent Sunday deep cleaning our kitchen. We dug deep. We ruthlessly added to our donate bin. We organized cupboards and cleared counters. Our kitchen hasn't been this clean in years and it feels so good.
  • Coconut ice cream. Look, it's supposed to snow again this week. I need to take my tropical happy wherever I can find it.
  • Our park finally reopened!
  • Poppy's emerging personality. I think we may have a bit of a jokester on our hands.
  • Spring break! No morning scramble to get out the door! No packed lunches! No afternoon nap interrupted by school pickup!

Want to play along? Join the Facebook group and share your happy! Or share on Twitter or Instagram using #TinyHappyTuesday so we can find you.

Tiny Happy Tuesday: 1

Tiny Happy Tuesday is a prompt to consciously appreciate the small things that make you happy. I truly believe that acknowledging these tiny happy things make me a happier person in general, like I'm piling up pieces of gratitude to sustain me during tough times. And so, without further ado, please enjoy my first edition of Tiny Happy Tuesday:

  • The way Poppy wakes up overjoyed every morning. She often grumps her way through the majority of the day but she wakes up thrilled every morning.
  • Grady coming home with a Heart and Stroke Foundation fundraiser pledge form and being genuinely concerned about the sick kids.
  • Opening a fresh box of lavender chamomile tea.
  • Mike Birbiglia's latest Netflix special.
  • A pocket of sunshine and blue sky in between snow and rainstorms.

Want to play along? Blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram your Tiny Happies and use the hashtag #TinyHappyTuesday so I can follow you. Find the happy, people. It's out there.

Tiny Happy Tuesday is Born

Winter has hunkered down. It's removed its shoes, curled up on the couch, and is looking at us with an icy stare like, "just try to do something." Winter is here to stay is what I'm saying.

I'm not used to winters that drag on unendingly. It's snowing in March, and this is so far from what I know to be reality that when I wake up, freezing, I just sort of stare out the window all crazy-eyed and mutter "thanks, global warming" under my breath.

I need a little happy. I also need a gentle reminder that there are far worse things than a little ice and snow. And so Tiny Happy Tuesday is born. It's a place to pop little snippets of the good stuff. The stuff that makes me smile, the stuff that gives me the warm and fuzzies, the stuff that reminds me that for the most part my life is wonderful and I'm a much happier person when I acknowledge that.

I want my kids to grow up revelling in this beautiful, messy life and the best way for them to learn how is to watch me.

Because if you don't hashtag it, did it really happen?

Because if you don't hashtag it, did it really happen?

Will you join me? Tomorrow morning I'll post a short list of things that are currently making my heart sing (even if it is just a warble, muffled by SNOW IN FLIPPETY FLIPPING MARCH). I'd love for you to grab my graphic and join the Facebook group, and share in the fun (don't forget to use the hashtag: #TinyHappyTuesday so I can follow along!).

Let's find the happy, friends.