
Dear Grady,

Today is your eighth birthday. This morning when you woke up you told me you still felt seven, and you thought that might be because a whole year didn’t pass during the night, just one night passed, and so it makes sense that you still feel the same age. I love listening to you process thoughts. Even when those thoughts are about Minecraft.

You love to draw and make things out of paper. You go through an obscene amount of tape but you build some really impressive, intricate works of art (which your sister promptly destroys because you tend to leave your art on every surface you can find).

You are kind and thoughtful, and have a very strong sense of doing what’s right. You care deeply about your family and your friends. Sometimes I worry that this world will break your sensitive heart, but then I remember you’ve got Poppy to stomp all over anyone who dares to hurt you.

You look out for your sister, even though she’s in a very pinchy / bitey phase right now. You came with us to her most recent allergy appointment and you patiently sat for hours while the doctor ran his tests. You asked if I remembered the Epi-Pen. When you thought Poppy was having a reaction, you offered to go get the doctor. (She was fine but that’s not the point. The point is you’re eight years old and you care about more than yourself. I am so impressed by you.)

At eight years old you are knobby knees and shaggy hair and fart jokes and stuffed animals shoved under the pillow rather than on display and pages and pages of carefully drawn comic book characters and the deepest belly laugh I’ve ever heard. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings.

Grady, it’s your birthday, and I wish I could give you the moon and the stars. You’ve given me so much more.




Amazon Prime Day(s) 2019

It’s Prime Day, which is two days this year? Unless it’s always been two days? To be honest, I’ve not paid a lot of attention. I’m not a huge fan of giant sales that make me feel like I need to buy a bunch of stuff, but the truth is, my kids’ birthdays and their five cousins’ birthdays all take place in a two month period. I need to buy a bunch of stuff is what I’m saying.

So! Prime Day. I’m going to highlight a few of the deals I’ve found, and they’re going to be affiliate links (which means that if you make a purchase through my link, I make a couple cents).

Okay, so I was browsing for kid birthday stuff, I promise, and then the 23andMe deal flashed across my screen. I’ve been interested in doing one of the DNA ancestry kits for a long time and 50% off is a very enticing deal. It’s sitting in my cart right now but I’m waiting to pull the trigger. Have you done a 23andMe or similar kit before? I’ve heard some horror stories about family secrets coming to light but I’ve also heard some good stuff about them too. At $129 (CDN, $99 USD!) I can’t not buy it, right? I’ve never seen it priced so low.

We’re not a Harry Potter house (yet) but we are a Lego house. This Hogwarts Great Hall is absolutely stunning and costs $79.99 (down from $129.99) until midnight PST tonight.

Speaking of Lego, the Creative Brick Boxes are on sale for $18.99, down from $26.99. These are a favourite birthday gift to give in our family.

Another favourite birthday gift to give and receive? Craft supplies. Crayola’s giving an extra 15% to Prime members, and I’m stocking up on this block of Construction Paper (400 sheets for just over $11), Sidewalk Chalk (64 pieces for just under $13), and these super cute permanent markers for my bullet journal (24 pens for $16.55).

Crayola also has this amazing mess-free touch-light drawing board for toddlers which is perfect for car rides. If you’ve got a little person and a summer road trip in your future, this thing is your salvation for just over $20.

Lest you think we’re arts and crafts and brain development all the time over here, I’ll admit without shame that Grady’s also getting this Nintendo Switch Controller Charging Station (50% off! I can’t resist) to maximize his video playing time. I also picked up this carrying case (30% off!) so he can stop transporting his Switch in his lunch kit when we travel. It’s got a durable outer shell (in his favourite colour, red) and foam padded insides with compartments to keep all the bits and bobs safe.

I also picked up this portable nightlight / flashlight for the kids in an attempt to cut down on the 3am wake up calls I get whenever someone needs to use the washroom. It cycles through a soothing spectrum of colours and turns into a flashlight when removed from its base. We’re big Boon fans and they have yet to disappoint us.

While I was browsing in the flashlight section, this lantern called out to me. It evoked a deep nostalgic feeling so I feel like maybe my parents had one when we were kids? One of my siblings can weigh in on whether or not I’m full of shit.

And then, because I am a wild and crazy woman, I rounded out my purchases with a bottle of gummy vitamins for the kids.

Did you snag any Prime Day deals?

July 1st

July 1st is one of my favourite days of the year (if you say you don’t have favourite days of the year, I’m sorry, I can’t comprehend that). Not because it’s Canada Day. Not because it falls during what is usually the best weather we see here in the lower mainland.

I love July 1st because it’s the first day of the second half of the year. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the year so far, and make plans for the remaining six months. It’s New Years Day without the hype or the hangover.

Six years ago, I had the best July 1st of my life so far. Less than two months had passed since my cancer diagnosis. Almost a month had passed since my second cancer surgery. I was doing my best to heal, physically and mentally. Grady was almost two years old, Shawn was off work for the long weekend, and we discovered a hose on the rooftop patio of our condo building.


It turned out that baby Grady loved being sprayed with the hose. He couldn’t get enough. We stayed outside for hours, only taking breaks to reapply sunscreen and eat popsicles. When I am old and grey(er) I will look back on July 1, 2013 as one of the happiest days of Grady’s childhood. His delighted squeals are imprinted on my heart for eternity.

Festival of Shawn

It’s Father’s Day weekend so Shawn got to pick the festivities, which is how I’ve ended up in a very small “queen” bed (seriously, this thing is the size of a double) with two sweaty kids while Shawn starfishes it solo. Poppy is a hotel bed roller so we can’t trust the kids to sleep together (why are hotel beds so high? Why are there so many sharp corners adjacent to the bed?) Usually I sleep with Poppy (and build a pillow blockade on her other side) and Grady sleeps with Shawn, but we got to the hotel late and the kids were a ball of tired emotions and wanted to sleep together. So that is how I’ve ended up here, Poppy’s feet in my face and Grady snoring in my ear. 

Tomorrow we’ll drive to Leavenworth for the car show. We’ll eat sausage in the beer garden and enjoy the sun and hopefully when we return, the sweaty bed hogs will want to sleep with their Dad. Happy Father’s Day indeed.